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The Leasphere

Solo travelling

I've tried travelling alone for the first time in december 2016, this discovery has been huge for me.

The reason I did it was because nobody could come with me because it was too close to christmas.


There's many advantages & less disadvantages for me but here are some of my arguments to do it a least once in your life :

- learning new techniques to take pictures of yourself like : asking someone to do it, trying to do it yourself with a selfie stick or a tripod

- you have to count on yourself for exemple: when you're trying to find a place.

Personally it made me develop my instinct really well because you cannot think like "the person I'm travelling with has a good sense of direction so I don't really need to worry, we're gonna find this place easily". That is exactly how I use to think when travelling with someone.

- get to know yourself better, it helped me so much with accepting some part of my caracter. You just have to accept how you are and that is a huge reason why some people are so scared to travel alone. But also I would admit travelling alone can be tough but it depends in which mood you are.

-you become more crafty to find places, to take public transportation and on top of that to get out of weird situtations.

-experience things you wouldn't if you were with someone else. Staying at airbnbs has been really great to live like locals and make friends when I was travelling, a lot of the times when I don't find places I ask people to explain where it is. Sometimes people are very friendly and you start to sympathize with them.

Next trip

The destination I'm going to on 1st August 2017 is Montreal, I will spend one week there, then I'll be going to Ottawa by bus for 3 days and lastly I'll come back in Montreal for 4 days.

I will make a blog post about the experience because I've never been in America (the continent) at all and I'll be travelling alone for two weeks.


Thank you for reading:)

Lea xx

Discover my Instagram @theleasphere

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